#NEXUS [ File saved by NDE version 0.5.0, Sun Nov 27 21:43:57 2016 ] BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=20; TAXLABELS Petrolacosaurus Youngina Trilophosaurus Rhynchosaurus Mesosuchus Howesia Drepanosaurus Megalancosaurus Vallesaurus Macrocnemus Langobardisaurus Tanystropheus Tanytrachelos Dinocephalosaurus Boreopricea Protorosaurus Jesairosaurus Prolacerta Proterosuchus Euparkeria ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN CHARACTERS; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=182; FORMAT DATATYPE=STANDARD MISSING=? GAP=- SYMBOLS="0123"; CHARLABELS [1] 'Dimensions of skull (D1)' [2] 'Skull low and narrow with short and narrow postorbital region (J38)' [3] 'Relative length of snout (D2, J64)' [4] 'Premaxilla shape (D6)' [5] 'Premaxilla, dorsomedial process (B1, J25)' [6] 'Premaxilla and prefrontal (D7)' [7] 'Premaxilla, posteroventral process (Modified after D8)' [8] 'Premaxilla and maxilla, form of suture above dentigerous margin (D17)' [9] 'Maxilla (D16)' [10] 'External naris (D10)' [11] 'External naris location (D11, J26)' [12] 'External naris shape from lateral view (D12, J26)' [13] 'Nasal groove' [14] 'Antorbital fenestra (D5)' [15] 'Nasal, shape of cranial margin at midline (D13, J49)' [16] 'Nasals, relative length (B2, D18)' [17] 'Frontal, shape of dorsal surface next to sutures with postfrontal and parietal (D20)' [18] 'Frontals and parietals, ratio of lengths (D19)' [19] 'Parietal table (D26)' [20] 'Parietals, median contact in adult (D25)' [21] 'Parietal, shape of median border (D28)' [22] 'Pineal foramen (B4, D27)' [23] 'Postparietals (modified from J3, J14, D29)' [24] 'Septomaxilla (D14)' [25] 'Lacrimal (J15)' [26] 'Lacrimal contact with nasal (B5, D15)' [27] 'Lacrimal extent (B6)' [28] 'Prefrontals (D125)' [29] 'Postfrontal dimensions (B7)' [30] 'Postfrontal, shape of dorsal surface (D21)' [31] 'Postfrontal (D24)' [32] 'Postorbital and parietal contact (D22)' [33] 'Postorbital, ratio of lengths of anteroventral and posterodorsal processes (D23, B8). ' [34] 'Jugal, lateral surface above maxilla (D33)' [35] 'Jugal, posterior process (B10, J28, J42)' [36] 'Jugal, posterior process (D32)' [37] 'Lower temporal fenestra (D4, J13)' [38] 'Quadratojugal (D35, B11, B12)' [39] 'Squamosal, ventral ramus (B9, J4)' [40] 'Upper temporal fenestra (D3)' [41] 'Supratemporal (B13, D31)' [42] 'Tabular (J2, D30)' [43] 'Vomer and maxilla contact (D38)' [44] 'Ectopterygoid and maxilla contact (D40)' [45] 'Ectopterygoid and jugal contact (D39)' [46] 'Ectoptergoid, shape along suture with pterygoid (D42)' [47] 'Suture between ectopterygoid and pterygoid (D142)' [48] 'Suborbital fenestra, elements contributing to lateral border (D41)' [49] 'Pterygoids (D126)' [50] 'Quadrate (D36)' [51] 'Quadrate, posterior emargination in lateral view (J5, D37)' [52] 'Quadrate, prominent lateral conch in posterior view (J16, D37)' [53] 'Stapedial foramen (J6)' [54] 'Parasphenoid-basisphenoid in the side wall of braincase (J68)' [55] 'Occipital condyle position (D51, J66)' [56] 'Paroccipital process (D52, J7)' [57] 'Post-temporal fenestra (D53, J65)' [58] Basioccipital [59] 'Supraoccipital (D54)' [60] 'Prootic, anterior inferior process (D48)' [61] 'Prootic, lateral surface (D47, J70)' [62] 'Opisthotic, club-shaped ventral ramus (D46)' [63] 'Abducens foramina for nerve VI (D49)' [64] 'Internal carotid foramen (D45)' [65] 'Basipterygoid processes orientation (D43)' [66] 'Basicranial joint (D130)' [67] 'Laterosphenoid (D50, J69)' [68] 'Jaw occlusion (D65)' [69] 'Lower jaw, depth measured at maximum height of adductor fossa relative to length of jaw from tip to articular (D70)' [70] 'Jaw smphysis (D71, D72)' [71] 'Jaw symphysis (D127)' [72] 'Dentary-coronoid-surangular profile (D73)' [73] 'Angular, lateral exposure (J17)' [74] 'Retroarticular process (J8, J18, D74)' [75] 'Upturned retroarticular process (D75)' [76] 'Lateral mandibular fenestra (D76)' [77] 'Anterior surangular foramen (From Modesto and Sues, 2004, Character 145)' [78] 'Posterior surangular foramen (From Modesto and Sues, 2004, Character 146)' [79] 'Crown of marginal teeth (D136)' [80] 'Tooth rows, relative positions of posterior terminations (B14, J62)' [81] 'Curvature of teeth (J63, D58)' [82] 'Teeth, cross-sectional shape (J63, D59)' [83] 'Tooth implantation (D55)' [84] 'Caniniform teeth (D56)' [85] 'Serrated teeth (D57)' [86] 'Teeth in premaxilla and cranial part of dentary (D9)' [87] 'Premaxillary teeth, numbers on each side (B15)' [88] 'Maxillary tooth plate (D60)' [89] 'Maxillary tooth rows (D61)' [90] 'Maxillary grooves (D62)' [91] 'Maxillary teeth location (D63)' [92] 'Dentary tooth rows (D64)' [93] 'Pterygoid teeth (Modified after B16, D68, D69)' [94] 'Parasphenoid teeth (D44)' [95] 'Vomertine teeth (D66)' [96] 'Palatine teeth (D67)' [97] 'Vertebrae in adult (J29, D83)' [98] 'Intervertebral articulation formed by zygosphene-zygantrum (J20)' [99] 'Neurocentral suture (D131)' [100] 'Neural spine, ovoid spine-table on top (B21)' [101] 'Cervical vertebrae numbers (B17)' [102] 'Cervical vertebra numbers (B18)' [103] 'Thirteen cervical vertebrae' [104] 'Atlas pleurocentrum, odontoid prominence (D133)' [105] 'Postaxial cervical intercentra (D79)' [106] 'Cervical neural spine shape (B20, D82)' [107] 'Cervical neural spines, distal ends (D143)' [108] 'Cervical neural arch, cranial margin (D134)' [109] 'Mid and posterior cervical and dorsal vertebral centra, relative lengths (B19, D81)' [110] 'Dorsal neural spine height (Modified after B23, D85)' [111] 'First five to six dorsal neural spines, distal ends (D140)' [112] 'Trunk vertebrae, transverse process well-developed (J31)' [113] 'Trunk intercentra (B24, D80)' [114] 'Sacral vertebrae number' [115] 'First caudal (D128)' [116] 'Caudal neural spines, distal ends (D139)' [117] 'Proximal caudal neural spine height (D88)' [118] 'Caudal transverse processes and centra, ratio of lengths (D89)' [119] 'Caudal zygapophysis, articular facets (Modified after D129)' [120] 'Haemal spine, distal width (D91)' [121] 'Haemal spines, curvature (D141)' [122] 'Cervical ribs' [123] 'Atlantal ribs' [124] 'Axial ribs' [125] 'Cervical ribs (B22, D77)' [126] 'Tapering cervical ribs oriented posteriorly parallel to neck axis (J36, D77)' [127] 'Most cervical ribs dichocephalous (Modified after J30)' [128] 'Cervical ribs with anterior process (J37, D78)' [129] 'Anterior dorsal ribs (Modified after J19, D86)' [130] 'Posterior dorsal ribs (Modified after J19, D86)' [131] 'Posterior dorsal vertebrae and ribs (B25, D137)' [132] 'Second sacral rib, distal end (Modified after D87)' [133] 'Sacral and caudal ribs (D132)' [134] 'Proximal caudal ribs/transverse processes (Modified after D90)' [135] 'Gastralia (D92)' [136] 'Cleithrum (J9, D93)' [137] 'Scapular blade shape (D99, B26, J45)' [138] 'Scapula and coracoid in adult' [139] 'Clavicular shape (D95)' [140] 'Interclavicle, cranial margin (D97)' [141] 'Interclavicle, caudal stem (D98)' [142] 'Entepicondylar foramen (B27, D107)' [143] 'Ectepicondylar foramen (J21, D108)' [144] 'Radius length relative to humerus (B28)' [145] 'Intermedium in carpus (B29, J47)' [146] 'Centralia in the manus (B30, J10, D109)' [147] 'First distal carpal (B31)' [148] 'Metacarpals 3 and 4, relative lengths (B32)' [149] 'Metacarpals 1 and 5, relative lengths (B33)' [150] 'Plevic girdle (B36, D100)' [151] 'Acetabulum (D101)' [152] 'Acetabulum, relative contributions of pubic elements (J48, D105)' [153] 'Ilium, dorsal margin (D102, B35)' [154] 'Ilium, pubic apron (D144)' [155] 'Pubis shape (B37)' [156] 'Pubis, processus lateralis (D103)' [157] 'Pubis, anterior apron (D104)' [158] 'Femoral humeral ratio of lengths (D106)' [159] 'Femur shape (B38)' [160] 'Femoral distal surfaces (D110)' [161] 'Femur, relative proportions (D111)' [162] 'Tibia and femur, relative lengths (B39)' [163] 'Ossified tarsals in adult (Modified after J52)' [164] 'Ankle, foramen between astragalus and calcaneumn (B40, D115)' [165] 'Concavo-convex astragalo-calcaneal articulation (J34, D113)' [166] 'Astragalus and calcaneum (J23)' [167] 'Astragalus shape (Modified after D135)' [168] 'Lateral calcaneal tuber (B41, D116)' [169] '"Lepidosauromorph" ankle joint where fourth distal tarsal has dorsal process fitting into recess on astragalocalcaneum (J24, D114)' [170] 'Pes centrale (B42)' [171] 'Pes centrale (D117)' [172] 'Pes centrale (D118)' [173] 'First distal tarsal (B43, D119)' [174] 'Second distal tarsal (B44, D120) ' [175] 'Fifth distal tarsal (J11, D121)' [176] 'Metatarsals I and IV, ratio of lengths (D123)' [177] 'Metatarsals 4 and 5, relative lengths (B45)' [178] 'Fifth metatarsal (D122, B46)' [179] 'Digits 3 and 4 of foot, ratio of lengths (D124)' [180] 'Digit 5, first phalanx (D138, J71)' [181] 'Hyperphalangy in pes' [182] 'Postcloacal bones (B48)' ; STATELABELS 1 'Midline length greater than maximum width ' 'Midline length less than maximum width ', 2 absent present, 3 'less than 50% of total skull length ' 'equal or more than 50% of total skull length ', 4 'horizontal ventral margin ' 'down-turned ventral margin ' 'convex ventral margin', 5 'extends between narial openings ' 'reduced ', 6 'no contact ' 'contact present ', 7 reduced 'well developed and excluding maxilla from external naris', 8 'simple vertical or diagonal contact ' 'notch present in maxilla ', 9 'horizontal ventral margin ' 'convex ventral margin ', 10 'seperate ' 'single, medial naris ', 11 'marginal ' 'close to midline ', 12 'rounded ' 'elongate ', 13 absent present, 14 'absent ' 'present ', 15 'strongly convex with anterior process ' 'transverse with little convexity ', 16 'shorter than frontals ' 'longer than frontals ', 17 'flat to slightly concave ' 'longitudinal depression with deep pits ', 18 'more than 1 ' 'equal or less than 1 ', 19 'broad ' 'constricted without sagittal crest ' 'sagittal crest present ', 20 'suture present ' 'patietals fused with loss of suture ', 21 'level with skull table ' 'drawn dowards to form ventrolateral flange ', 22 'present and relatively large ' 'reduced or absent ', 23 paired fused absent, 24 'present ' 'absent ', 25 large 'small or absent ', 26 'contacts nasal and reaches external naris ' 'contacts nasal but does not reach naris ' 'does not contact nasal or reach naris ', 27 'element runs forward from the orbit ' 'restricted to the orbital rim in lateral view ', 28 'separate along midline ' 'meet along midline ', 29 'substantial tripartite element ' 'short element lacking clear processes ', 30 'flat or slightly concave towards raised orbital rim ' 'depression present with deep pits ', 31 'excluded from upper temporal fenestra ' 'entering upper temporal fenestra ', 32 'present ' 'absent ', 33 '> 1.0 ' '< 1.0 ', 34 'continuous ' 'lateral shelf present ', 35 'well-developed but does not extend to the posterior margin of the lower temporal fenestra' 'absent ' 'extends nearly to the posterior margin of the lower temporal fenstra', 36 'robust with height > 50% of length ' 'slender with height < 50 % of length ', 37 'present and closed ventrally ' 'present and open ventrally ' absent, 38 'present with anterior process ' 'present without anterior process ' 'absent ', 39 'present and extends below quadrate head ' 'reduced and cotyle formed for quadrate head ', 40 'oval in outline and not elongated caudally ' 'elongated caudally with inner surface of parietal and squamosal facing dorsally ', 41 'present ' 'absent ', 42 'present ' 'absent ', 43 'absent ' 'present ', 44 'absent ' 'present ', 45 'restricted with area of contact approximately equal to or less than contact between ectopterygoid and pterygoid ' 'ectopterygoid expanded caudally ', 46 'transversely broad ' 'posteroventrally elongate and does not reach lateral corner of transverse flange ' 'posteroventrally elongate and reaches corner of transverse flange ', 47 'simple overlap of ectopterygoid and pterygoid ' 'complex overlap between ectopterygoid and pterygoid ', 48 'ectopterygoid, palatine and maxilla ' 'ectopterygoid and palatine contact to exclude maxilla ', 49 'join cranially ' 'remain separate ', 50 'covered laterally ' 'exposed laterally ', 51 absent present, 52 'absent ' 'present ', 53 'present ' 'absent ', 54 'no ' 'yes ', 55 'even with craniomandibular joint ' 'cranial to craniomandibular joint ' 'caudal to craniomandibular joint', 56 'ends freely ' 'reaches suspensorium ', 57 large 'small or absent', 58 'forming the ventral boundary of foramen magnum' 'nearly excluded from foramen magnum', 59 'plate-like ' 'pillar-like ', 60 'absent ' 'present ', 61 'continuous and slightly convex ' 'crista prootica present ', 62 'absent ' 'present ', 63 'in dorsum sella ' 'between prootic and dorsum sella ', 64 'in the lateral wall of braincase ' 'in the ventral surface of parasphenoid ', 65 'anterolateral ' 'lateral ', 66 'metakinetic ' 'fused ', 67 'absent ' 'present ', 68 'single-sided overlap ' 'flat occlusion ' 'blade and groove ', 69 '< 25 % ' '> 25 % ', 70 'formed largely or wholly by dentary ' 'formed only by splenial ', 71 'small ' 'extended caudally ', 72 'horizontal to convex ' 'concave caudal to coronoid ', 73 'large ' 'restricted ', 74 'absent/reduced' 'well developed', 75 'absent ' 'present ', 76 'absent ' 'present ', 77 absent present, 78 absent present, 79 'single point ' 'tricuspid ', 80 'posterior dentary teeth lie level with, or behind, posterior maxillary teeth ' 'posterior dentary teeth lie anterior to posterior maxillary teeth ', 81 'absent ' 'present ', 82 'oval ' 'laterally compressed ' 'antero-posteriorly compressed', 83 'subthecodont ' 'ankylothecodont ' pleurodont, 84 'present ' 'absent ', 85 'absent ' 'present ', 86 'present ' absent, 87 'seven or fewer ' 'more than seven ', 88 'absent ' 'present ', 89 'single ' 'multiple ', 90 'none ' 'one ' 'two ', 91 'only on occlusal surface ' 'on occlusal and lingual surfaces ', 92 'one ' 'two ' 'more than two ', 93 'present ' 'absent ', 94 'present ' 'absent ', 95 'present ' 'absent ', 96 'present ' 'absent ', 97 'notochordal ' 'non-notochordal ', 98 'no ' 'yes ', 99 'closed in adult ' 'open in adult ', 100 'absent ' 'present ', 101 'seven or fewer ' 'more than seven ', 102 'fewer than ten' 'ten or more ', 103 absent present, 104 'absent ' 'present ', 105 'present ' 'absent ', 106 'short and tall ' 'long and low ', 107 'no expansion ' 'expansion present in form of flat table ', 108 'straight ' 'notched to form overhang ', 109 'subequal ' 'cervical centra longer ', 110 'tall ' 'subequal to length ' 'low with height less than length', 111 'not expanded ' 'expanded ', 112 'no ' 'yes ', 113 'present ' 'absent ', 114 two three, 115 'separate from sacrum ' 'incorporated into sacrum ', 116 'not expanded ' 'expanded ', 117 'moderately tall with height/length > 1and < 2 ' 'low with height/length < 1 ' 'tall with height/length > 2 and < 3 ' 'very tall with height/length > 3 ', 118 'equal or less than 1' 'more than 1 ', 119 'inclined ' 'nearly or fully vertical ', 120 'equivalent to proximal width ' 'tapering ' 'wider than proximal width ', 121 'no curvature ' 'cranial curvature present ', 122 present absent, 123 present absent, 124 present absent, 125 'short and stout ' 'long and slender ', 126 'no ' 'yes ', 127 'no ' 'yes ', 128 'no ' 'yes ', 129 dichocephalous holocephalous, 130 dichocephalous holocephalous, 131 'not fused ' 'fused ', 132 'not bifurcate' bifurcate, 133 'fused to centra ' 'free ', 134 'recurved ' 'project laterally ', 135 'absent ' 'present ', 136 'present ' 'absent ', 137 'tall and rectangular ' low 'tall and very narrow ', 138 fused seperate, 139 'broad proximally ' 'narrow proximally ', 140 'smoothly convex ' 'notch present between clavicles ', 141 'little change in width along entire length ' 'expansion present ', 142 'present ' 'absent ', 143 'absent ' 'present ', 144 'radius 80-90 per cent. length of humerus ' 'radius 40-65 per cent. length of humerus ', 145 'present ' 'absent ', 146 'present ' 'absent ', 147 'present ' 'absent ', 148 'metacarpal 3 shorter than 4 ' 'metacarpal 3 equal in length to, or longer than, 4 ', 149 'shorter than metacarpals 2 and 4 ' 'similar in length to metacarpals 2 and 4 ', 150 unfenestrated 'thyroid fenestra present ', 151 'elongate ' 'circular ', 152 'primarly the ilium ' 'approximately equal contributions from each element ', 153 'posterior process only ' 'large posterior process and smaller anterior process ' 'equally developed anterior and posterior processes ' 'large anterior projection ', 154 'absent ' 'present ', 155 'broad ' 'narrow and waisted ', 156 'present ' 'absent ', 157 'absent ' 'present ', 158 '1:1 ' 'femur > humerus ', 159 'sigmoidal ' 'straight ', 160 'unequal in size' 'equal in size', 161 'distal width/total length equal or less than 0.3 ' 'distal width/total length more than 0.3 ', 162 'tibia shorter than, or subequal to, femur in length ' 'tibia longer ', 163 'five or more' 'less than five', 164 'present ' 'absent ', 165 'absent ' 'present ', 166 'unfused ' 'fused ', 167 'L-shaped with broad base ' 'elongate ' round, 168 'absent ' 'present ', 169 'no ' 'yes ', 170 'present ' 'absent ', 171 'present and does not contact tibia ' 'present and contacts tibia ', 172 'present and contacts distal tarsal 4 ' 'present and does not contact distal tarsal 4 ', 173 'present ' 'absent ', 174 'present ' 'absent ', 175 'present ' 'absent ', 176 'equal or more than 0.4 ' 'equal or more than 0.3 but less than 0.4 ' 'less than 0.3', 177 'metatarsal 4 less than three times length of metatarsal 5 ' 'metatarsal 4 more than three times length of metatarsal 5 ', 178 'straight ' 'hooked without deflection ' 'hooked with deflection of proximal head', 179 'equal or less than 0.8 ' 'more than 0.8 but less than 0.9 ' 'equal or more than 0.9 ', 180 'shorter than or equal to length of first metatarsal ' 'significantly longer than the first metatarsal ', 181 absent present, 182 'absent ' 'present ', ; MATRIX Petrolacosaurus 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 00?0100000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000001 0000000001 0000000010 0?00000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 00 Youngina 0000000000 00000?0000 10000{12}0000 1010010000 0000000001 0000010000 0111000000 00?0000001 0001000000 0001000000 000?001001 0000001100 00??000011 01010?0010 0000000000 1010000101 0000000000 0100110000 00 Trilophosaurus 000000?000 0000000020 1121???000 10?0?12?01 ?10?0??0?1 1011110?01 1??1000000 01?000?100 0211010000 0011111000 0000100000 0100001?00 0000001101 100111011? 1100000000 1010010101 0000100100 0000100100 00 Rhynchosaurus 0001111011 110010?121 112112000? 001121?000 01?1020101 10?1111111 1011000201 0100?00000 0011010112 1211111000 0000?00001 0110003110 0011001001 00011101?0 1100000100 101000010? 0000100000 1100110110 00 Mesosuchus 0001111101 1100001021 1021120001 1010211100 0111111001 10??1?1001 1111000100 00?1100001 0001000010 0201001?0? ???0100011 0100003102 0010110101 0101110001 110???00?0 1010?01101 0?00100100 1(01)00110110 0? Howesia ?0???1??11 11?0101021 112????001 1010011??0 01?11110?1 ????1?100? ???10001?? ?0?110000? 00110??110 1201?01?0? ????100??1 ?100003102 00????0??? 01011????? ?10??????0 1010?01??1 ??00100100 10001?01?0 0? Drepanosaurus ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????1?0? ?????????0 1110013010 11??----11 ?0?10121?? ?101???111 1?30110111 000001?100 0000000020 00 Megalancosaurus 0110????00 1100????00 ??2??{12}???? ?????-??1? ?????????1 ?????????? ???????000 00?0?0??01 0001000000 00????1?00 000?110110 1111?13?12 1111----0? 100?0121?? ?10100011? 1?3?110111 0000000100 0000100020 0? Vallesaurus ?11000000? 11?0???100 ????0???00 00001-0010 ?????????1 1????????? ?????????? ????????00 0?01000??? ?????????? 100?11??10 1?1??13?10 1111----11 1?0?0121?? ?1010?010? ???????111 0000000100 1100000020 0? Macrocnemus 011000?000 11100100(12)1 112?010000 110001120? 11???????1 1????????? ????100000 010100??01 1001001000 000?001001 100?111112 0110001101 0000111101 0101111111 0100000001 1110100101 0100001000 1001101110 00 Langobardisaurus ??100??00? 1??0????2? ??????1??? 1???0?1?10 ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?0 01?1?0??10 0001000000 00????1000 100?111112 01100011?(12) 00??111101 1(01)011111?0 ?100001001 1?1?110111 0001101000 1011101121 0? Tanystropheus 0110?01000 1110010021 102?021010 1100011210 ?101020001 10??01??00 1??0100000 010100??10 ?001000000 0001001001 111?110112 0110001100 0000111101 100111110? 0100111101 1110100101 0011001001 --11101121 01 Tanytrachelos ????0????? ?????1???? ?1???11?1? ????0???1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???1????01 0???0?0??? ??1???1??1 111?11??1? 01100?110? ?0??111101 10011111?? ?101???10? ??1?1??101 001010??01 --11101121 01 Dinocephalosaurus 0112000010 0110010001 102?0{12}00?0 11001-1?00 ?1??????01 10??0???0? ???????000 0?00000000 101000?000 0011111?(01)0 110?110111 011??00??(12) 00001111(01)1 0?101?11?? ?101001100 ??1??1?001 0011002001 --111000?0 10 Boreopricea 01???0??0? ???0??00?1 ????0{12}0000 00001-110? ?????????1 11???1???? ???????000 0?00?0??01 10010??00? 00???010?? 100??10011 ?1????100? ?0????1??? 0?????01?? ?100???10? ???????1?? 0001000100 ????1?01?? 0? Protorosaurus 0110?00100 1100010021 1(01)2?010000 00000?1{12}00 11???????1 11??01100? ?1???0?000 ?001101000 0001000?00 000???1000 100?111110 011{01}002?02 0000111101 000?1?00?0 011000010? ??100??101 0000001100 0000100100 00 Jesairosaurus 0110000?00 11?0??0001 ??2?0?0000 1100011?00 ?1??????01 1???1???0? ???????000 000110??0? 000100?00? 0001?0100? 1????1??01 01100?2??? ?0?011??0? 100011000? 011??????? ??2????1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?? Prolacerta 0111?01100 1100010000 1(01)20010000 0000011100 0101?11011 1111111?01 1111100000 0001101101 1011000000 0001001001 1000011111 0100002102 0010111111 0101?10011 0100000000 1010001101 0100100100 1000100110 00 Proterosuchus 0111001100 1101010000 1111010000 0000210000 0111111011 10??111101 1111101000 0000111101 1101101000 0001001?0? 100?001000 01?0002102 0000111111 0101110111 0100000000 1010100101 0000100100 11001101?0 00 Euparkeria 0110001100 1001010000 1111010000 0000210000 1110111011 11??111101 1110101000 0000111101 1101100000 0001001?0? 0000001001 01000001?1 0000101101 010111011? 1100?????0 1010111101 0011100101 --111001?0 00 ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; OPTIONS DEFTYPE=UNORD POLYTCOUNT=MINSTEPS; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN NOTES; [Taxon comments] [Character comments] [Character state comments] [Attribute comments] [Taxon pictures] [Character pictures] [Character state pictures] [Attribute pictures] ENDBLOCK;